Many students struggle with math because concepts are introduced and practiced briefly, without giving students the time to understand what is being taught. Instead, the student memorizes the steps to complete the task without an understanding of the math principles behind each step. As a result, students lack the pre-requisite foundational skills that allow for successful practice and consolidation of learning. If students cannot visualize what they are taught, in other words, “see” what it means to add, subtract, and multiply, then they cannot think and reason with numbers.
Rote learning of math should be a technique of the past and instead multi-dimensional learning should be incorporated into every day learning (Boaler, 2019). Math is everywhere and we use it without even realizing it.
Does your student…
- Struggle memorizing math facts?
- Become anxious when given timed math tests?
- Have difficulty with math word problems?
- Count on her fingers when adding?
- Get overwhelmed when presented with math homework?
- Have difficulty understanding math vocabulary?
- Have trouble with more advanced math such as fractions, decimals, and long division?

During Mathletics at Neurotech Solutions, our students develop the ability to “see” and understand the gestalt of math concepts, to learn to think and work with numbers, and to successfully apply these skills to mental and paper computation.
Basic facts become automatic so that more complex math operations can be completed more quickly and accurately. Students are actively involved in the learning process, discover and understand math concepts, strategies, and use manipulatives to make concepts REAL and easily applicable to print computation. Repetition allows for automaticity, skills are solidified, and students become more confident, successful math learners.